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currency notes 流通券。

currency system

The replacement of twelve national currency notes and coins by an entirely new set of currency notes and coins with different values is , of course , a much more complex exercise 若要以單一套全新紙幣及硬幣,來取代歐元區12國沿用的不同面值的貨幣,當中的過程必然遠較香港的復雜。

The third coin i d like to introduce to you is the first currency note issued by the hong kong government - the one dollar note which was put into circulation in 1935 第三款我想介紹的香港貨幣特別郵票是以香港政府發行的第一張鈔票,在1935年流通的“一圓”面額鈔票為設計。

We are aware of the fact that hong kong people do travel to the euro zone quite frequently and have the habit of keeping foreign currency notes and coins in their drawers for convenience 歐元區是港人外游公干常到之處,有些市民為方便起見更習慣在身邊留有外國紙幣及硬幣。

With the issue of one dollar note pursuant to the one - dollar currency note ordinance of 1935 , the government declared the hong kong dollar as the local monetary unit 政府遂于一八九五年開始制定連串法案,予以改善。一九三五年,政府頒布貨幣條例,公布以港元為幣制單位。

The increase in foreign currency assets was mainly attributable to foreign currency investment income , revaluation gains on foreign currency investments and an increase in currency notes issued 外幣資產增加,主要原因是外幣投資收入、重估收益,以及已發行紙幣增加。

The increase in foreign currency assets was mainly attributable to foreign currency investment income , revaluation gains on foreign currency investments and an increase in currency notes issued 外幣資產增加,主要原因是外幣投資收入重估收益,以及已發行紙幣增加。

The increase in foreign currency assets was mainly due to the issue of additional currency notes , which are backed by us dollars deposited by the note issuing banks with the exchange fund 外幣資產增加,主要原因是發鈔銀行在外匯基金存入美元,以支持其增發紙幣。

The first part shows a few of the people - real and imaginary - who have appeared on certain hong kong banknotes and currency notes during the last century 第一部分展示在上世紀曾于香港的鈔票上出現過的一些真實及虛構人物。大家只需把有關圖像與相應的鈔票配對。

The rise was due mainly to increases in certificates of indebtedness , government - issued currency notes and market value of exchange fund bills and notes outstanding 貨幣基礎增加,主要是由于負債證明書政府發行的流通紙幣及未償還外匯基金票據及債券的市值增加。

A 56 - year - old man convicted of control and custody of counterfeit currency notes was sentenced to 16 months imprisonment at the district court today ( april 14 ) 一名五十六歲男子被裁定保管及控制偽鈔的罪名成立,今日(四月十四日)在區域法院被判監禁十六個月。

The court heard that officers of the commercial crime bureau intercepted the two men during an operation against counterfeit hong kong currency notes on december 19 last year 商業罪案調查科探員于去年十二月十九日的一項打擊偽鈔行動中截查該兩名男子。

Similarly , the issue and withdrawal of government - issued currency notes and coins in circulation are conducted against us dollars at the fixed exchange rate of 7 . 80 同樣,發行和回收政府發行的流通紙幣及硬幣也是按1美元兌7 . 80港元的固定匯率進行。

The corresponding us dollar deposits received from note issuing banks to back the additional currency notes were invested in short - term interest bearing instruments 發鈔銀行交予外匯基金以支持增發的銀行紙幣的相應美元,已用作投資于短期計息工具。

The increase in foreign currency assets was mainly due to increases in the amounts of repurchase agreements and currency notes outstanding at the end of the month 外幣資產增加,主要原因是回購協議交易的數額及于月底的已發行紙幣增加。

The third coin i d like to introduce to you is the first currency note issued by the hong kong government - the one dollar note which was put into circulation in 1935 第三款我想介紹的香港貨幣特別郵票是以香港政府發行的第一張鈔票,在

The decrease in foreign currency assets was mainly due to a reduction in currency notes outstanding and the sale of foreign currencies for hong kong dollars 外幣資產減少,主要原因是已發行紙幣數量減少及出售外幣換回港元所致。

Sales and purchases of 6 major foreign currency notes including australian dollar , canadian dollar , pound sterling , u . s . dollar , renminbi yuan and japanese yen 種主要外幣包括澳元、加拿大元、英鎊、美元、人民幣及日圓

The increase in foreign currency assets was mainly due to evaluation gains on foreign currency investments and increase in currency notes outstanding 外幣資產增加,主要原因是外幣投資的估值上升,以及已發行紙幣增加。

If you have foreign currency notes , bills of exchange and checks , you can consign a business office of bank to handle collection or discount 如您持有外幣本票、匯票及支票等,可委托銀行的營業網點辦理托收或貼現。